Interior Designer
The Hatch Brewing Co.
A Wildlife Conservation
Social Enterprise

Client Brief:
Select a social issue wherein the application of a Social Enterprise process might be usefully deployed
Comprehensive portfolio of relevant research material that underpins the elected project direction
Adopt a divergent stance in problem-solving and actively engage in design thinking processes to outline a feasible social enterprise strategy
Demonstrate and outline originality, credibility and financial viability
Create high quality visualisations which demonstrates the social enterprise products and media channels
Located in Tweed Heads, NSW, The Hatch Brewing Co. is a cross-compensation social enterprise. Dedicated to providing our customers with bottled goodness we are working to help save our precious wildlife one sip at a time. We pride ourselves on providing the best locally brewed craft beer with the most impact.
Among many other of Australia’s wildlife species, our sea turtles are facing the heartbreaking impacts caused by climate change. The creation of The Hatch is our step in the right direction for wildlife conservation. So it is our promise to protect, educate and hopefully inspire our customers, to maybe take a few steps too.
50% of our profits made from The Hatch Brewing Co. are invested into making change by creating sand from recycled glass, specially made for our turtle species. We create this sand with the use of glass pulverisers, turning waste into a precious resource. With an additional ingredient, gypsum, added to the sand mixture we have been able to create a sand that is heat resistant, non-toxic, sustainable, economical, and not harmful to wildlife of land or sea.
For our turtles, this means eggs have much higher chances of survival as well as a hopeful spike in the male population to even out the current ratio of male to female turtles. It is our aim to keep this precious species around for much longer than they are currently destined. This mission is what we have called ‘The Sand Project’.
The Sand Project
The Sand Project is the social enterprise in which The Hatch Brewing Co. funds and functions for.
Profit is made from sales through The Hatch brewing Co. and retailers that carry our brand.
50% of profit is kept to maintain and further develop our brand and our venue’s operation. The remaining 50% of profit is invested directly to ‘The Sand Project’. This money will cover costs such as machinery, staff wages and transportation to distribute sand.
The Sand Project is directly supplied with recycled glass from customers and our brewery.
With the use of glass pulverisers to crush recycled glass and gypsum we are able to create this special sand mix. This sand is then distributed into nesting hotspots prior to nesting season to avoid disruption to the species.
After the introduction of our sand to wild habitats the goal lies in the future nesting season resulting in a higher male population. Scientific researchers will be employed to monitor their progress.

Poster Design Mockups

Logo Design for The Hatch Brewing Co.

Web Design for The Hatch Brewing Co.

Packaging Design